BIM Solutions

Production Process Manager

Within Steel Manager the entire production process is determined based on the following parameters:


Each position and assembly are linked to one or more what-parameters. Some typical what-parameters are: saw cut, hole, outline, paint. They determine the geometry and the general characteristics of the parts which have to be delivered. Mostly they are generated automatically in Steel Manager during import from CAD-system using DSTV-NC files.


During the process, each what-parameter can be realized in various ways. A hole in a beam can be drilled, punched or cut. One only has to specify in what way each what has to be realized.


It is obvious that a hole, which has to be drilled, can be realized on several machines. The where- parameter specifies clearly where each what-how- combination will be executed. This implies that a position and/or assembly can go through different cost centers. In the extra parameter ‘production- sequence’ the workflow is determined. For companies with various production locations, an extra location parameter has been provided. In this way, specific parts can be planned and organized directly from one location to the other.


At what time are these ‘what, how and where’ processed and at what time have they been executed (planned versus realized). Production times can also be coupled to this when, in this way a planning as well as a subsequent calculation are possible. The power of Steel Manager is the fact that due to a simple parameterisation of your production process, the program automatically decides how and where your production will be done; it starts directly after importing the CAD-data. When the production process is specified, a detailed calculation method specified per cost center is used to determine the production times. In a simple way the system registers what has been produced and in how much time. If the CNC- machines allow it, this information is treated on-line.

Progress and status

This module gives you the possibility to follow up your projects in a graphical way.  Using colors the status of an assembly or element can be determined.  Various filters allow to view particular parts and/or statuses. A particular status can be the result of: – manual registration action – automatic registration action (by external device) – semi – automatic registration, like barcode scanning

Work preparation for plates and beams
Within Steel Manager, CNC-machines are controlled Steel Manager data. This part is used in particular in the work preparation of the plate and profile machines. The following functionalities are available:

  • Reading in CAD-data such as DSTV-NC and DXF
  • Creating own macros via macro language for plates
  • Editing and adding operations
  • Automatic transfer of plates to flats and vice versa
  • Automatic and manual nesting of profiles and plates
  • Generating drawings for plates and profiles
  • Making drawings for nested plates and profiles
  • Making NC-postprocessors for all CNC-profile and CNC-plate machines
  • Calculating all necessary production times
  • Making a capacity planning per CNC-machine (JIT or ASAP)
  • Reporting that processed parts in the CNC-machine are finished
  • Reading in actual production times out of the CNC-machine
  • Stock management

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